Monday, January 23, 2012

Logan Grimnar's Relief Force

Logan Grimnar

Grimnar received a message from an Inquisitor called Coteaz, who was forming an expedition force to travel to the Varlislia system. Communications have been lost with capital planet, Varlislia IV. Fearing a Tyranid invasion, Coteaz required the assistance of all the forces he could.

Space Wolves have a dislike for the Inquisition, but Grimnar had decided to accept Coteaz's 'request'. Whilst Grimnar did not want to risk revealing the secrets of the 13 Great Legions, his honour had proved a strong influence. The Ultramarines were heading to the rendevous point, and he did not want the Space Wolves to be considered a lesser breed of Astartes. His Rune Priests had also noted much psychic activity eminating from the system – very unusual for a system under attack from the Tyranids...

With all haste he assembled a council of some of his best warriors; Njal Stormcaller, the ancient Bjorn, along with Wolf Lord Angus McBam. Other officers included Wolf Priest Vultan the Bloody, and Rune Priests Irnist the Wise and Haakon Stormwing.

Grimnar knew that without his finest, Varlislia stood little hope...

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