Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Ritual Interrupted

Strange temples in the heart of a ruined city would be instrumental to the Emperor's Children in summoning their daemonic allies.

Rune priest Irnist the Wise foresaw their potential, and Logan Grimnar dispatched him to smash the Emperor's Children before their rituals could be completed and the chaos forces could be irrevocably reinforced.

The long fangs and razorbacks succeeded in crippling the enemy rhino’s, and the chaos marines were forced to advance in the open where they came under heavy small arms fire.

The wolf scouts succeeded in destroying a possessed vindicator before being charged by a squad of traitor marines. The Wolve's champion survived alone to fight again.

The rituals partially succeeded in summoning the daemons to the centre of the ruined city. And further traitor reinforcements arrived from the EC fleet in orbit.

Daemonettes, a Keeper of Secrets, and some Slaaneshi Terminators appeared and were engaged by Grey Hunters, Irnist himself, and a squad of Wolf Guard Terminators respectively. The Wolf Guard and Grey Hunters dragged down their opponents and Irnist personally banished the Keeper of Secrets back to the warp.

Enemy obliterators caused havoc in the Space Wolf lines by engaging and destroying some long fangs and razorbacks.

Realising the back of their force had been broken, their temples captured, and the rituals disrupted, the traitors withdrew. The Wolves demolished the strange temples so they could never be used again.

(provided by Mazberry)

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