Friday, November 23, 2012

A tale of OG Gamers Blog 3: More Berserkers!

I thought I'd do an update now as this weekend is going to be focusing on gaming and not modelling. Ol has organised some an Og North v Og South gaming day tomorrow, with both WFB and 40k players. I've really been looking forward to this, as it'll be a great chance to have a few beers and catch up with some mates I used to game with during my uni days in York.

I've spent the last couple of days working from home as the office has been closed due to restructuring. This has given me the chance to photo (with the help of some daylight) the Beserkers I have been gluing together this week.

Following some positive feedback from the Og Games forum, I decided to continue with using the parts from the new Raptor kit - whilst getting some decent positioning for each model was a bit of an effort, given the angling of some of the legs, the models have more detail, look more badass and don't look as static as using the standard chaos marines:

In the World Eaters army I'm building, I'm planning to build a second unit of Beserkers. These would have the arms of Marauders from WFB, so would have bare arms with Raptor weapons. This would help differentiate the 2 units, help them blend in with Kharn leading them, and leave the FW shoulder pads free to pimp some Havocs I'll be adding in due course to add a little firepower...

Any thoughts/comments most appreciated, as always!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A tale of OG Gamers Blog 3: Tester Berserker

Another week, another blog post. This week I gave up the notion of having 250pts painted by the end of the month. Whilst I have made some progress on the Aegis Defence line, I now have to paint the darker and metallic areas. Just painting these black is likely to take quite a while methinks. Still, it'll be worth it when its done, albeit late. There also has been no progress made on the Cultists - I haven't touched these for a few weeks now.

I have however managed to spend the whole of this afternoon working on the army. The majority of this time was spent washing and cleaning resin parts I received from  Forgeworld last Thursday. Today was bright and sunny, even if a little cold - I might not get a free day like this to work with resin in the garden for some time, so didn't want to miss the opportunity.

For the most part, there is little to show. However, I have glued together a test Berzerker:

I hate photographing models when its dark outside!

The model is made up of:

- Head, torso and shoulder pads from the Forgeworld conversion kit;
- Legs, arms and weapons from th new Raptor/Warp Talon kit; and
- Backpack from the standard Chaos Marines kit.

Whilst the FW has the kit built using parts from the standard Chaos Marine kit, I chose to go for the Raptors/Warp talons because the legs have much more detail and the weapons look more badass. The one thing I'm not sure on is the leg positioning - every model using this kit would be the same. It makes them look as though they are jumping/leaping into combat - something I wanted to note as in the new rules Berzerkers are dependent on the Rage, Counter Attack and Furious Charge special rules, so have to do well in the first round of combat before their damage output drops. Any feedback you have on this model is much appreciated...

Monday, November 12, 2012

A tale of OG Gamers Blog 3: Small Footsteps

I skipped a weekly update last Sunday as I didn't have a huge amount to report. There still isn't much to report this week, but I've got some pics of some WiP. Anyways:

a) All the bits I need to build my army for the next few months have arrived. That includes the FW order Ol co-ordinated, some additional bases from Dragonforge and some heavy weapon bits. Very pleased about everything being in place, other than the guy at DragonForge must have ticked the wrong box on the customs form as I'll have to pay £12 import tax when I pick them up from the post office. Expect to see some more conversion/kitbashing work from December onwards...

b) Progress on the modelling/painting front has been slowing down due to real life. I've decided to post a couple of pics showing the progress on my Aegis Defence line:

The obligatory before pic:

Current status:

Not the greatest quality pic, but you get the idea. It has taken a little while to construct. Firstly, I've filed off all of the Aquillas, and have replaced with Khorne symbols, to match the army. I've also added on some spikes with heads on to make them look more Chaos-y. The victims heads on spikes also fitted the siege idea of the wall sections.

There is still much to do with the paint scheme. I'm looking to darken the red a little and paint the trim of the wall sections bronze/brass. Painting red so far has taken a while - I've spray undercoated the sections white, followed by 2 coats of Carroburg Crimson, followed by a thin coat of red gore.